Contact: Dan Marin mobile: 0040744319708 “Very many thanks to you and Luminita for a really good time and for all your imparted knowledge lastweek in your lovely country.We had a greatexperience which none of us will forget.”
SirRanulph Fiennes, Louisa and Alexander, Arabella McIntyre Brown “If it was not for Dan Marin I doubt that we would be operating to Romania and I doubt whether I or others in our office, who have been guided by him, would be so passionate about the destination.Romania does not know how fortunate is to have such an ambassador.”
Noel Josephides
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Media coverage
Bradt Guide Transylvania (UK):
‘Dan is an extremely knowledgeable host and guide and after a fantastic breakfast leads walking tours to the surrounding region… He is informative on flora and fauna and reads animal footprints…’ read full text
Wild Fibers (US-based magazine):
‘Because hungry bears might pursue the sheep inside the barn, long nails are driven through the door, discouraging bears from leaning against it’… read full article
The Independent (UK):‘Dan takes visitors bear-tracking, birdwatching and on visits to the local Roma community, while Luminita prepares
Romanian and Roma dishes.’ …. read full article
Le Figaro (France):
‘Nous sommes de l’autre côté des monts Fagaras, dans le parc national de Piatra Craiului, en compagnie de Dan Marin. Cet ancien ouvrier devenu guide naturaliste emmène les passionnés guetter les ours jusque dans leurs coins de forêt les plus secrets.’… read full article
SVT (National Swedish Television) Packat&klart:
Transsylvanien… watch video
PRO TV (Romania):
Guide of the year… watch video
TVR (Romania):
Dan Marin ecotourism… watch video
BBC 4:
Excess Baggage… listen to interview
IVLP (International Visitors Leadership Program) Alumnus:
‘Parks, Biodiversity and Ecotourism Management’, June 2009. The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is the U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program. Launched in 1940, the IVLP is a professional exchange program that seeks to build mutual understanding between the U.S. and other nations through carefully designed short-term visits to the U.S. for current and emerging foreign leaders… watch video