About Us

Contact: Dan Marin    transylvanian_wolf@yahoo.com    mobile: 0040744319708

We are based in Zarnesti, S-E part of Transylvania (Romania).
This area is a great base to explore and discover some of Transylvania’s wonders:

* huge expanses of forests between Piatra Craiului National Park and Fagaras Mountains . There is no tourism at all in this area-a great place to look for wolves and bears’ tracks and signs, different interesting birds, wild flowers on the alpine meadows
* very good network of protected areas: Piatra Craiului National Park, Bucegi Natural Park
* hundreds of thousands hectares of unspoiled natural landscape
* great countryside areas with old and well preserved Romanian, Hungarian, German and Gypsy settlements

* traditional farming work that has little changed over the centuries
* beautiful traditions – shepherds’ festivals, daily use of different herbs in traditional cooking, medicine or magic, rich folklore
* impressive cultural heritage sites – the Sachsens’ fortified churches, peasant fortresses, the Szeklers’  beautifully carved wooden gates, the very colourful Romanian churches.

We are involved in a few different programs that aim at maintaining local traditions and providing help for disadvantaged groups in the community. We do that through our charity, Fundatia Rowan Romania.


Dan Marin
Licensed wildlife guide;
Fluent English, good French.
Wildlife research work together with the scientific staff of the Carpathian Large Carnivore Project (2000-2003).
Extensive guiding work experience on both nature and culture trips.
Winner of Wanderlust Best Guide Awards in 2007. All this after sixteen years work in the largest ammunition factory in Romania together with my wife.

Luminita Marin
(feminine) Jack-of-all-trades; good English.
Highly appreciated traditional cooking, great knowledge of local traditions, herbs, myths, stories; designer of traditional Romanian and Gypsy cultural programmes performed for our visitors here or toured in Somerset and London.


Bogdan Coltea
Licensed tour guide; specialized in Protected Areas of Romania & amateur wildlife photographer, with articles in wildlife photography techniques for photo magazines in Romania and abroad; fluent English.
Studies at the Forestry Institute in Brasov; very good (and useful) skills in building up or restoring houses; very enthusiast on philosophy, classical music, jazz ,computer issues and many other issues

Dana Marin
Graduate in tourism at Brasov University; good English.
Has taken groups of British teenagers up to Piatra Craiului and Bucegi Mountains; volunteer work with patients at the long-stay psychiatric hospital in Zarnesti and institutionalized children at ‘Bambi House’ in Zarnesti.